International Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Association

International Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Association(IHPBA)sentence-final interrogative particle1994Founded in Boston, USA, in 2007, it is a non-profit organization that seeks to find effective treatments for hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases and thereby alleviate human suffering through improved education, training, innovation, research, and better patient care.–Declare the translation;IHPBAworldwide100With more than3200More than one member,The Association is organized into four regions, represented by three regional associations,The European-African Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Association, the American Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Association, and the Asian-Pacific Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Association, respectively.IHPBAThe aims are to promote the understanding, study and treatment of the causes of diseases of the liver, pancreas and biliary system; to promote the exchange of clinical and scientific knowledge between surgeons and members of the relevant disciplines working in this field; to study any relevant problems affecting the liver, pancreas and biliary tract, to promote synergistic research into the causative factors of disease in these organs and their prevention, and so on.
As the most authoritative international hepatobiliary and pancreatic academic organization in the world, IHPBA organizes the World Congress every two years.IHPBA World Congress is the most authoritative academic conference in the field of international hepatobiliary and pancreatic field, which provides an important platform for the stakeholders to acquire professional experience and knowledge in the field of hepatobiliary and pancreatic field.The IHPBA World Congress is held every two years and rotates between three regions (Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe- Middle East-Africa).